Consultation on Adjustments

Consultation involves discussions among various stakeholders to exchange knowledge and perspectives before making decisions.

Rights of Students with Disability and Families:

Under the Disability Standards for Education 2005, students with disabilities and their families have the right to be consulted about reasonable adjustments to ensure equal participation in education.

Valuable Input:

Students with disabilities and their families possess valuable insights that can aid education staff in making informed decisions.

Legal Obligation:

Education staff are mandated to consult with the student, their parents, or other associates before determining and implementing reasonable adjustments.

Key Participants:

Consultations typically include education staff, the student with disability (dependant on age), associates such as parents or guardians, and specialists with relevant expertise such as Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Physiotherapists etc.

Agreed Summary:

While not legally required, having an agreed summary of decisions made during consultations can serve as a reference point and aid in monitoring progress in subsequent meetings. Some schools refer to these as Individualised Education Programs (IEPs), Personalised Learning Plans (PLPs) Individualised Learning Plans (ILPs), Student Support Plans (SSPs) or Education Support Plans (ESPs).

Comprehensive Consultations:

Consultations regarding reasonable adjustments should address the student's needs, the reasonableness of adjustments, their effectiveness in achieving their goals, and whether they represent the best possible adjustments according to the relevant part of the Standards (e.g., enrolment, participation, curriculum, support services, harassment, and victimisation).


For further reading, click here to an Australian Government website: